Prof. Paolo Maffei, Italian astrophysicist of international renown, has recently passed away, on 1st March 2009, and I am pleased to pay homage to those who, thanks to its splendid popular publications, has contributed greatly to my passion for astronomy.
His death was not given the prominence that would have merited in view of its scientific merit and importance of its popular scientific action. Obviously in Italy the science in general and especially Astronomy are not in the news.
Prof. Maffei was born in Arezzo in 1926.
"Passionate since boyhood of the problems of heaven, made the first observation from Umbria with an opera glasses and a monocular that an avid amateur astronomer who had made available." (taken from the book "Beyond the Moon" by Paolo Maffei)
Obtained his degree in 1952 from the University of Florence and worked at the astronomical observatories of Arcetri, Bologna, Asiago, Hamburg and Catania.
His scientific work is impossible to summarize in a few lines. Suffice it to say that the various work activities included a catalog of merging galaxies.
A pioneer in the study of infrared astronomy gave a considerable impetus to this work coming to work directly with manufacturers of photographic material for the development of emulsions and filters for the specific astronomical use.
The study of these materials and their practical application enables him, between 1967 and 1968, to discover two infrared galaxies, that have the name of the discoverer, in the constellation of Cassiopeia.
The Maffei 1 is a giant elliptical and the Maffei 2 is a spiral galaxy. Initially considered in the Local Group are now suspected as being part of a group by itself (Group Maffei) probably ejected from the Local Group because of a close encounter with M31 (Andromeda Galaxy).
The two galaxies are very close to the galactic equator and much obscured by dust and gas and for this reason difficult to detect.This pioneering work led him to conceive the construction of a specific Antarctic telescope to observe infrared. This initiative is led, only recently, in the project IRAIT (International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope) that will operate from the base of Concordia - Dome C - 75 S - 123 E, built on the Antarctic plateau at an altitude of 3233 meters and testify the validity of the hypotheses advanced.
With his name was also called an asteroid 18426 Maffei.
His death was not given the prominence that would have merited in view of its scientific merit and importance of its popular scientific action. Obviously in Italy the science in general and especially Astronomy are not in the news.
Prof. Maffei was born in Arezzo in 1926.
"Passionate since boyhood of the problems of heaven, made the first observation from Umbria with an opera glasses and a monocular that an avid amateur astronomer who had made available." (taken from the book "Beyond the Moon" by Paolo Maffei)
Obtained his degree in 1952 from the University of Florence and worked at the astronomical observatories of Arcetri, Bologna, Asiago, Hamburg and Catania.
His scientific work is impossible to summarize in a few lines. Suffice it to say that the various work activities included a catalog of merging galaxies.
A pioneer in the study of infrared astronomy gave a considerable impetus to this work coming to work directly with manufacturers of photographic material for the development of emulsions and filters for the specific astronomical use.
The study of these materials and their practical application enables him, between 1967 and 1968, to discover two infrared galaxies, that have the name of the discoverer, in the constellation of Cassiopeia.
The Maffei 1 is a giant elliptical and the Maffei 2 is a spiral galaxy. Initially considered in the Local Group are now suspected as being part of a group by itself (Group Maffei) probably ejected from the Local Group because of a close encounter with M31 (Andromeda Galaxy).
The two galaxies are very close to the galactic equator and much obscured by dust and gas and for this reason difficult to detect.This pioneering work led him to conceive the construction of a specific Antarctic telescope to observe infrared. This initiative is led, only recently, in the project IRAIT (International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope) that will operate from the base of Concordia - Dome C - 75 S - 123 E, built on the Antarctic plateau at an altitude of 3233 meters and testify the validity of the hypotheses advanced.
With his name was also called an asteroid 18426 Maffei.
He wrote numerous works of science through the journals, the press, radio and television. But, in my personal opinion, his books have been the true masterpiece. "Beyond the Moon" (1973), "The monsters of the sky" (1976), "The universe in time" (1982), "Comet Halley (1984), most of which are now out of print .
In particular "Beyond the Moon" was the book that most struck my fancy boy. I remember that book with black and white photos and descriptions of distant worlds. With a scientific style but an exciting approach you was projected beyond the Moon to the Sun and the planets, to go to nearby and distant stars, to our Galaxies and beyond. A real journey into space.
To understand the style of the book and the style of the writer I carry over a short excerpt taken from the book, in the chapter where the author describes the discovery of galaxies that bear his name.
In particular "Beyond the Moon" was the book that most struck my fancy boy. I remember that book with black and white photos and descriptions of distant worlds. With a scientific style but an exciting approach you was projected beyond the Moon to the Sun and the planets, to go to nearby and distant stars, to our Galaxies and beyond. A real journey into space.
To understand the style of the book and the style of the writer I carry over a short excerpt taken from the book, in the chapter where the author describes the discovery of galaxies that bear his name.
"The discovery of two new galaxies called Maffei 1 and Maffei 2 is the latest example of one of those extraordinary combinations for which while you search a thing you discover another.
For that kind of discovery Horace Walpole coined a word that has no equivalent in Italian : Serendipity. This word derives its origin from a story of the Venetian Renaissance, which tells of three principles of Serendip (Ceylon) in search of one hundred verses, which contain the secret of a fluid capable of killing all the sea monsters. They found only a few fragments of the magic formula, but during the research, carried many unexpected discoveries, due simply to the fact that they were looking for something. Serendipity, then, is not a 'case' or 'luck', or rather not only that, but to 'discover, by accident and sagacity, things were not looking for'
I like to think that now Prof. Paolo Maffei is up there among the stars who so loved.
E' recentemente scomparso, il 1 marzo 2009, il Prof. Paolo Maffei, astrofisico italiano di fama internazionale, e mi è gradito omaggiare chi, grazie alle sue splendide pubblicazioni divulgative, ha contribuito fortemente alla mia passione per l'astronomia.For that kind of discovery Horace Walpole coined a word that has no equivalent in Italian : Serendipity. This word derives its origin from a story of the Venetian Renaissance, which tells of three principles of Serendip (Ceylon) in search of one hundred verses, which contain the secret of a fluid capable of killing all the sea monsters. They found only a few fragments of the magic formula, but during the research, carried many unexpected discoveries, due simply to the fact that they were looking for something. Serendipity, then, is not a 'case' or 'luck', or rather not only that, but to 'discover, by accident and sagacity, things were not looking for'
I like to think that now Prof. Paolo Maffei is up there among the stars who so loved.
Alla sua scomparsa non è stato dato il risalto che avrebbe meritato in considerazione dei suoi meriti scientifici e dell'importanza della sua azione divulgativa. Evidentemente in Italia la scienza in generale e, soprattutto, l'Astronomia non fanno notizia.
Il Prof. Maffei nacque ad Arezzo nel 1926.
"Appassionato fin dalla fanciullezza dei problemi celesti, compì le prime osservazioni dalla sua Umbria con un binocolo da teatro e un cannocchiale che un appassionato astrofilo gli aveva messo a disposizione." (tratto dal libro "Al di là della Luna" di Paolo Maffei)
Conseguì la Laurea nel 1952 presso l'Università di Firenze e lavorò presso gli osservatori astronomici di Arcetri, Bologna, Asiago, Amburgo e Catania.
La sua opera scientifica è impossibile da sintetizzare in poche righe. Basti pensare che fra le varie attività lavoro anche alla realizzazione di un catalogo delle galassie in aggregazione.
Pioniere dello studio dell'astronomia dell'infrarosso diede un notevole impulso a tale attività arrivando a collaborare direttamente con le case produttrici di materiale fotografico per lo sviluppo di emulsioni e filtri per lo specifico uso astronomico. Lo studio di tali materiali e la loro pratica applicazione gli consentirono, fra il 1967 ed il 1968, di scoprire due galassie infrarosse ,che portano il nome del loro scopritore, nella Costellazione di Cassiopea. La Maffei-1 è una gigante ellittica mentre la Maffei-2 è una galassia spirale. Considerate inizialmente parte del Gruppo Locale vengono oggi ipotizzate come facenti parte di un gruppo a se stante (Gruppo Maffei) espulso probabilmente dal Gruppo Locale a causa di un incontro ravvicinato con M31 (Galassia di Andromeda). Le due galassie si trovano molto vicine all'equatore galattico e molto offuscate dalle polveri e dai gas e quindi di difficile individuazione.
Tale attività pionieristica lo portò a concepire la costruzione di un telescopio antartico specifico per l'osservazione infrarossa. Tale iniziativa è sfociata, solo recentemente, nel progetto IRAIT (International Robotic Antarctic Infrared Telescope) che opererà dalla Base di Concordia - Dome C 75 S - 123 E, costruita sull'altopiano antartico ad una altitudine di 3.233 mt e testimonia la validità dell'ipotesi avanzata.
Con il suo nome è stato anche battezzato un asteroide 18426 Maffei.
Scrisse numerose opere di divulgazione scientifica attraverso le riviste specializzate, la stampa, la radio e la televisione. Ma, secondo il mio personale parere, i suoi libri sono stati il vero capolavoro. "Al di là della Luna" (1973), "I mostri del cielo" (1976), "L'universo nel tempo" (1982), "La cometa di Halley" (1984), la maggior parte dei quali ormai fuori catalogo.
In particolare "Al di là della Luna" è stato il libro che più ha colpito la mia fantasia di ragazzo. Ricordo quel libro con le foto in bianco e nero e la descrizione di mondi lontani. Con uno stile scientifico ma avvincente si veniva proiettati oltre la Luna, fino al Sole ed ai Pianeti, per passare alle stelle vicine e lontane, alla nostra galassie ed oltre. Un vero e proprio viaggio nello spazio.
Per comprendere lo stile del libro e lo spessore dello scrittore riporto un breve estratto preso dal libro, nel capitolo in cui l'autore descrive la scoperta delle galassie che portano il suo nome.
"La scoperta delle due nuove galassie chiamate ora Maffei 1 e Maffei 2 è l'ultimo esempio di una di quelle straordinarie combinazioni per le quali si trova una cosa mentre se ne cercava un'altra.
Per tale genere di scoperte Horace Walpole coniò una parola che non ha corrispondente nella lingua italiana: serendipity. Questa parola trae la sua origine da un racconto veneziano del Rinascimento, nel quale si narra di tre principi di Serendip (Ceylon), alla ricerca di cento versi, contenenti il segreto di un fluido capace di uccidere tutti i mostri marini. Essi trovarono solo pochi frammenti della formula magica ma, nel corso della ricerca, compirono numerose scoperte inattese, dovute semplicemente al fatto che stavano cercando qualcosa. Serendipity, dunque, non equivale a 'caso' o 'fortuna', o meglio non soltanto a questo, ma a ' scoprire, attraverso l'incidente e la sagacia, cose che non si stavano cercando'" (tratto dal libro "Al di là della Luna" di Paolo Maffei)
Mi piace pensare che il Prof. Paolo Maffei ora sia lassù, fra le stelle che tanto amava.
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